Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Updated to R9
Apr 08 2010 16:12:55 by Killing
All Bad Company 2 servers have been updated to version R9 this build includes a number of crash fixes, so we hope all servers will be even more stable now.

The full change list is:-
  • admin.say command implemented
    • - the output currently looks a bit funky on the game client, like so: Player: [Server]: <text> but with the next game client it will look like: Server: <text>

  • admin.yell to squad has changed (you need to specify both team and squad)
  • squad numbering has changed - the "no squad" squad has ID 0, and real squads are 1 and up.
  • Autobalance improved, it shuffles people both during and between rounds now, and does a better job. Note: There is currently no way to turn it off
  • mapList* commands reworked
  • banList* commands reworked
  • listPlayers command added
  • admin.listPlayers command reworked (GUID, kills, deaths, ping and score added)
  • Players have non-PB GUIDs now (these are distinct from PB GUIDs)
  • onChat event reworked
    • now it specifies target player subset as well
    • shows text before profanity filtering
    • client-originated chat messages starting with "/" make it to the server, and broadcast via onChat, but are not broadcast to other game clients
    • use "/!<command>" if you want to be able to send commands to your homemade rcon tools without showing the commands to other players

  • player.onAuthenticated added (it's triggered when a player receives GUID)
  • player.onSquadChange, player.onTeamChange implemented
  • Couple of crash fixes
  • Support for server-side "region" setting (not yet used by the game client)
  • Ranked ON forces game-password OFF
  • Ranked and PunkBuster settings can only be changed during server startup
  • A server is marked as "hardcore" either when Friendly Fire is enabled, or when all the typical hardcore settings (hardcore killcam minimap etc) have been flipped
  • exposed number of rounds per maps in maplist.txt, and via the remote admin commands

Update @ 2010/04/08: Unfortunately R9 seems to have cause a few issues with a number of remote admin tools including Live Control. We are currently working on fixes for these issues. Update @ 2010/04/08 19:21: Clanforge LiveControl has now been updated to deal with the new player list format in R9